
Upskilling your people is your most critical workforce investment, 但员工们很难挤出时间来学习. 美世提供灵活服务, curated learning experiences around HR and workforce capability training for all employees. Develop your people to realise your organisation’s potential.

Safeguard organisation capability through learning and development

  • The business landscape has grown even more competitive over the past two years.
  • 工作变得更加复杂、灵活和多变.
  • The shelf life of work skills is getting shorter, placing a premium on up-to-the-minute knowledge.

Investing in continuous learning to upskill/reskill your people for future roles has never been more critical.

学习与发展(L&D)功能对实现组织目标至关重要. Help your employees grow in ways that bring meaning and value to both the business and the individual.

The ability to look at what talent you have and identify workforce upskilling opportunities is essential to closing L&D gaps.
Rupert Griffin

Mercer Learning Leader, Pacific


A challenging talent market has sharpened the focus on attraction and retention — CEOs’ top asks of their HR leaders, 根据美世的 2022-2023年全球人才趋势 report.

Employers must play a lead role in keeping people employable, and employees are clear: Building skills increases their marketability, 但投资于员工发展会让他们留下来.

Employees who plan to leave their jobs this year are less likely to say their employers provide opportunities for horizontal moves, 进入职业门户或清晰的职业旅程.

通过拥抱循环人才经济, your organisation can continuously reap the benefits of investing in learning and development. 这意味着技能的发展是持续的, and talent is perpetually redeployed in step with new opportunities and an evolving tech/human workplace. 为了实现这一愿景,公司必须超越L&D和欣赏技能-买, borrowed or built from within — are the bedrock of robust future-of-work plans.


In-demand skills change rapidly, and few jobs are immune to disruption. New skills and knowledge are required across your workforce. Employers must continually build skills and workforce capabilities to safeguard their future and the careers of their people.


Almost all New Zealand HR leaders believe their organisations have significant skill gaps. CEOs say investing in upskilling is their most critical workforce initiative this year as more than one-third of organisations lack the workforce capability and skills to drive transformation.

of HR leaders in the Pacific say their organisations have major skill gaps


of organisations lack workforce capability and skills needed to drive transformation

HR leaders face a range of barriers to upskilling their people:

  • Never enough money in the budget or resources to get things done
  • Burnout from keeping up with the pace of change and emerging skill needs
  • Lack of vital data to optimise engagement; internal talent flows; rewards; and diversity, 公平与包容

美世学习为您服务. We have the tools, insights and programs to overcome any workforce upskilling/reskilling hurdle.

Companies that focus on future skills development and prepare their people today will be the market leaders of tomorrow.
Andy Anestou


Harness our tools and methodologies to boost your workforce capability

知识是未来的货币, and Mercer Learning can enrich your workforce by designing and implementing your learning and development plans in three simple steps.
  • 1. Identify

    You need the right talent to deliver your business priorities.

    We help you identify your current workforce capabilities — and gaps — through evidence-based learning and skills assessments.

  • 2. Map


    We map learning pathways for individuals, teams and the whole organisation.

  • 3. Support


    We help you choose the right solutions from our extensive curriculum of technical and behavioural programs as well as creating bespoke solutions.


Mercer Learning cultivates thriving workforces through a comprehensive range of workshops and programs to suit your HR and strategic needs.

Mercer’s best-in-class learning ecosystem offers you a wealth of considered, evidence-based, 有影响力的学习经历, 让你的组织更容易成功.


  • 全球和本地知识

    Practical skills with local insight underpinned by a global perspective
  • 经验内容

    Practice-driven content delivered by subject-matter experts
  • 混合式学习课程

  • Accredited

  • Customisable

  • 从实践经验中学习

    • Practical and experiential content delivered by Mercer experts
    • 与职业道路相匹配的项目
    • Preparation for leaders to create an agile and thriving workforce
  • 工作评估和工作分析项目

    • Learn Mercer’s core job-sizing and analysis methodologies — MCED, JEMs and International Position Evaluation (IPE) — in your own time and at your own pace.
    • Our programs can be tailored to your organisation for a bespoke solution.
  • 自定义项目




    Tell us what learning and development challenges you’re trying to address, 我们会指引你走上正确的道路.